Sunday, August 28, 2011


Who has been glued to the television (or internet or their phone) to watch the progress of Irene? Not I. But I bet there were lots and lots of people who were. It is a bit like the boy who cried wolf - the media hypes and hypes and hypes and then fizzle. Hype, fizzle, hype, fizzle. Then when something really important happens, hype - and no one cares. We are bombarded with crap news and hype all the time till our senses get overwhelmed and our brains shut down. We just don't care anymore. Yay apathy!

Anyway, we are getting our share of Irene today, such as it is, here in beautiful Geneva, NY (where you are all encouraged to come and visit, by the way). 58% chance of rain. Eeek. Don't get me wrong, I do not underestimate the power of mother nature - she is to be honored and respected and not treated lightly. This time, though, I think we will survive. Sadly, I do have to go out today and do some food shopping so that I can make a yummy dinner. I have it all planned. I can barely, in fact, wait.

Have I mentioned Daily Challenge on here? Yes, I can see I have - some of my readers are actually from Daily Challenge - at least I think so. Anyway, it is quite a nice group of people, so far. All very positive and supportive - at least the ones that I have connected with and interact with. Today's challenge - a little spine twisting. Yay spine twisting!

Diary of a Plate Addict is one step closer to being ready to print. I went through the rest of Dara's notes yesterday. Next step, create the document that goes with the book to make clear (clarify even) what changes I am asking to have done. Hopefully, I can crank that out pretty quickly. We shall, of course, see.

Oooh, started watching Season 5 of Doctor Who last night. The new Doctor will take a little bit of getting used to. The new sidekick/companion - I am in love already. :) And I am playing a lot of Gardens of Time. Yippee!

Had a dream last night about being late to Spanish class (which starts tomorrow). So I guess I will be setting an alarm. Poop. I hate setting an alarm...

Does anyone know what to do when someone cashes a check that oughtn't to have done so? The scenario - I give a check to x - y cashes it, one presumes illegally. Who is liable for that money? I am guessing the bank needs to reimburse me so that I can reimburse x. Anyone?

I haven't forgotten about you, follower, 33 - more on you tomorrow!

Enough Sunday drivel, here are pictures from August 27, 2011:

The desk revealed!

The stuff that had been on the desk - and now needs to be dealt with. Severely! :)

Next on the neaten agenda - the chair!

Thrown together dinner last night - al fredo pasta with clams and a vegetable mosh. Yum!

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