So, after getting up and feeling sleepy, I finished the blog post and took a nap - for three hours! Eeeek! I guess I really was tired! I did feel refreshed. Made lunch for mom and me - ok, more like brunch really. Finally finished the Indian chicken dish leftovers. Yippee!
Then it was time for errands. I made about five calls and netted a few good results - one of mom's bills is now going to be paid quarterly rather than all at once - better for her cash flow - the last wall in the kitchen might get painted today - and she is going to be going to the physical therapist starting next week for a while - I don't know how long the insurance will pay - I will check that out when I take mom up there next week. She is going to pay $30 a visit - yet she balks at paying $50 a month for visiting the YMCA. Penny wise, pound foolish - a Schoen-Rene failing - must be genetic on her side of the family. Sigh.
After all the calls, we headed out into the wide world. First stop, the library. I was devastated, mildly, to learn that the woman who has run the place (mostly) for as long as I can remember is retiring - at noon today actually. She said she was 65 - doesn't look a day over 45...Very sad. Well, luckily, most everyone there is very nice. We got a few books, put a couple on hold and had a dandy time. Next stop, two pharmacies for pills for mom. And lastly, walmart for some mixed nuts for mom. She likes to pick out the non-peanuts from the mixed nuts - which is understandable, but sad for me if I ever choose to have any. I like peanuts, but I expect a can of mixed nuts to have something besides peanuts - and after mom gets done with it, that isn't likely. :)
For dinner, I made pasta and a batch of the easy al fredo sauce. God I love that sauce. So easy to make and tastes great and lasts in the fridge for a while. Yippee!
Post dinner, it was beer time at the beef and brew. Turns out Geneva is even smaller than I thought - I sat next to the guy who helped mom with computer issues in the past. He promised to come visit - we shall see - seems like a man of his word. Also met his three friends - but have already forgotten two of their names. Sigh. It was raining mastiffs and mountain lions when I walked home - good thing I had my brelly and sandals!
All in all, yippee!
Pictures from August 15, 2011:
Anyone care to hazard a guess how much this workbook for the Spanish class costs retail? $90! I spent $45 because I wanted one that hadn't been written in. Sigh.
Sauteed mushrooms! Yum city!!
Ok, this pic doesn't look like much, but it was coming down so hard that rain was coming through my umbrella!
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