Opera folk seem nicer in general than run of the mill theatre folk. At least that has been my experience this go 'round. Who knows for sure, though. Julie actually gave me a nice note and a piece of chocolate! Woo hoo!
It was a fun experience. I still don't know if I am going to be paid and if so how much. Not that it really matters all that much. But it would be nice to get a little money. I will ask Susanne about it next week sometime.
Strike after the show went pretty quickly. Many people stayed to help, which is the key to a quick and successful strike. It also helps if someone organizes it - which sort of happened. I am glad that I strapped on my fake leatherman - true, I looked even dorkier and less datable than ever, but I could cut things and pliers things and such, much more easily!
Cast party! Wow, they do it up big for such a little show - Gena took over the cobblestone and wined and dined everyone! Huge shrimp, beef, pasta, sushi, beet salad, desserts and an open bar! Southern Tier IPA was on tap. Huzzah! Most everyone showed up for at least a little while. And some extra people - including the Gearans from the Colleges! I met their daughter Madeleine, who seemed very nice. After a while, the singing started. I hummed a bit in the background. To sing, I think I would want some voice lessons. I did take voice lessons briefly somewhere - was it at Hobart? Or at Ithaca College? Andover? I don't know - I didn't like them or the teacher and didn't stick with it for whatever reason. I didn't opt for the midnight swim - I think that was a cast bonding experience and I just didn't feel up for it.
All in all, a yippee! I do plan on creating an album of opera related pictures on Facebook at some point.
On another subject, how is one supposed to ask people out? That is an art that has somehow eluded me. On a dating site, it isn't so hard - ask and they say yes or no. Usually yes because they are on the site for the same reason. But out in the real world, how do you ask? Especially when the person is at their workplace. Sigh. We shall see - maybe I will figure it out. One day.
Pictures from August 6, 2011:
I took this because the flower was pretty and because I was afraid that I wouldn't take any more pictures that day. Oops. I took a lot...
Julie doing a rendition of Carmen!
Try something like: "Hi! How about having supper with me tonight?" Usually that gets a direct yes or no. If no, have an alternate day in mind and offer that. If no again, suspect she really isn't your type anyway!
Love you!
When you figure out the asking-out bit, let me know ;)
I think tho' you can use your business card to advantage ... give it to them and if they want to get in touch, they have your email address ... ?
PS I love reading about the theatricals. Have you read Anna Schoen-Rene's memoir? It is pretty fascinating. I imagine there's a copy in the Geneva house somewhere--if not, there will be a used copy on amazon. And oh yeah, it is on google books iirc.
Good advice Bosey! I will try it!
I am going to try Bosey's idea and give her a card anyway. I really don't think she is right for me, but I wouldn't mind getting to know that for sure. :)
Thank you Sam! I own a copy - somewhere - and have read it - apparently there is more about her pedagogical line in a book maybe called "The Great Singers."
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