It is weird how days just get away from me. Though, in retrospect, I did actually accomplish a good bit. I started reconciling the corrections and additions and alterations requested for Diary of a Plate Addict with a file explaining those things. I have gotten through 21 pages of the text. Hopefully, I will finish the rest today. That would be nifty. Then I can mail the package to Heather tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I also did a good bit of cooking. I made homemade bbq sauce that was awesome! Next time I have to double the recipe so that I can have some after I use the bulk of it to cook the ribs. We had beef ribs instead of pork. Maybe pork next time. They turned out really well too. Even without putting them on the grill and just cooking them in the oven. And I made coleslaw - still don't have the perfect combination of stuff for that. It is always good, just not consistent. And some baked beans from a can. And some more corn on the cob. Yum city! I am looking forward to left overs today at lunch!
And it was game night again. Charles from the opera invited a bunch over and three people showed up. We played a game called Dominion that was fun, but not excellent. I came in not last all three times. I think it would take quite a bit of playing for me to be better. We shall see if that happens.
More neatening of the room is on the schedule for today - had my first Spanish class (more about that tomorrow) - and heading to the State Fair tomorrow. Yippee!!
Pictures from August 28, 2011:
Another picture of my computer desk. This thing has been awesome! I even took it down to the kitchen with me, so I could look at the recipes without stooping too much.
Dominion ready to play! Losing is good for the character...
There are many situations from which people are said to have escaped unscathed, but is there anything actually scathing other than criticism? Hmm. A question to ponder.
And now that I have finished the edits for this go 'round of DPA, I have some pondering time! :)
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