Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It is begun

More than one "it" actually. The first thing is going through the proofreaders comments and fixing what I fix. This will take a few days, at the rate I am going. But it is good for me to read through the book at a slow, thorough pace. Diary of a Plate Addict hopefully will be better for this effort. My goal, still, is to finish my go-through by the end of the week.

I also started teaching myself Spanish. Ok, that isn't strictly accurate. I started trying to do a chapter a day. I got through one chapter. Yippee!

Lastly, I started my video blog. I took about half an hour of video and haven't put it on the computer yet. I know it is going to take me forever to get this all done. Many hours to end up with two minutes of video. Not more than that - including intro and credits. Maybe 1:30 of actual content. I am not as attractive as the woman who does the words thing, Hot for Words, so I can't have a very long episode length. My goal here is to start posting in September. End of September. We shall see.

I see some interesting things on my walks around town. Last night I saw a vase abandoned by the side of the road and decided to take it with me. Matt and Zach at the Beef and Brew absconded with it! Who knows where it will end up? I also saw someone sitting on some steps with their laptop. My guess, using the free Geneva Wi Fi since they don't have Wi Fi in their home...

Other than that, I cooked dinner last night - yummy pork with lots of veggies. And made lunch - leftovers for me.

Ok, time to get on with my day. Mom had a Physical Therapy appointment this morning and that has thrown my "schedule" all out of whack. Sigh.

Pictures from August 22, 2011:

Our freshly painted front steps - they only look orange because of the way the sunlight was hitting them.

The sun is setting earlier and earlier. I like the spaceship look to that cloud!

Here is the vase - I hope it finds a happy home one day!

Here is the person sitting on the steps doing wi fi!

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