Monday, August 15, 2011

Sleepy again

And I will probably be sleepy more times in the future. Life is that way sometimes. I stayed up late doing various things - watching Torchwood for the first time for one. It is one of the spinoffs from the Doctor Who. Last night's DW episode didn't want to work, so I called Tech Support and chatted with Maria - I was a tad tipsy so I was having fun - and she laughed a lot - I guess that is good. Anyway, they have good tech support. At least Maria was nice. They are sending me a disk of the episode in case they can't get the one online functioning happily. Yippee!

Yesterday was pleasant enough. Frustrating, because of seeing too many attractive women wandering about. But I am used to being frustrated by that. Sigh.

I had cinnamon on my freshly juiced grape juice! It was delicious! Thank you Daily Challenge website!

It was Sunday, and Sunday has become "breakfast for dinner" night. Yay! Last night I made French Toast - and froze most of it. I had never read the instructions for cooking sausages before - who knew to cook them in water for a long time before frying them? Interesting. On Facebook, I posted a question asking what green veggie I ought to have with the meal. It is always curious to me, which status updates are remarked upon. I had at least six people write suggestions! So there are still at least six people who have me in their news feeds. Yippee!! I ended up going with spinach as that was the easiest. But two people had great suggestions that I will have to try one day - spiced apples and some sort of sweet potato concoction. Yum!

Mom and I went to the movies. I thought that Sunday afternoon would be underattended. Oops. The theatre was so crowded that mom and I couldn't sit together. Oh well. We went to see The Help. All in all, very enjoyable. I like Emma Stone, though I am beginning to see her through her roles. And the rest of the cast was good too. And the story was well written. I would recommend it - and it made me want to go to other movies...

Ooh, and I was handy yesterday. I fixed a knob on a sideboard in the dining room. Yay me.

Today is calling day - calling to see where the people who were supposed to help out with stuff around the house and garden are...and various other calls. I like call days. :) Ok, that is just trying to think positively. For some reason, I don't really enjoy talking on the phone. Sigh.

Pictures from August 14, 2011:

One of the things that I don't want to do - go through that pile of papers. Glarg.

Here are some old food coloring bottles and packages. I don't think I will be using that stuff anytime soon!

I took a bite before I remembered to take a picture. Sigh.


Lesa H. Damm said...

I love your posts. I always feel as though I'm right there with you. :-) Thanks for the movie review. I look forward to watching it. Have you seen the movie, Cowboys vs Aliens by chance? I'm looking for some feedback besides that of my nephew. Have a good day, my friend.

Augustus said...

Thank you Lesa! I have not - I was excited to until I read a review that said it was even thinner than the idea suggests. Sad because I like a lot of the actors and sci-fi and all. I might just wait till it goes to redbox. :)

Sam said...

I think you should have listed my contribution of zucchini aka corgettes as one of your top suggestions for breakfast vegetable!

Augustus said...

Er, um...hmm...zucchini is not high on my list of favorite veggies, Sam. Sorry. :)