Not a lot happened yesterday. I tried to hunker down and get a lot accomplished. We went to the library after PT to drop off a book that mom had finished. I also picked up a hold - the last book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. How great to get that one first. Sigh. My hope is to get the others before it is time to turn this one in. Fingers crossed, ya'll.
The rest of the day was spent working on Diary of a Plate Addict. I sent a request to Heather to create a plate graphic that says On Sale Here and Now. Hopefully Jeff, the manager of the Raleigh Saucer, will be able to have that made for me.
Oh, I did continue the quest to get into Spanish class, though I almost stopped when I found that the class is at 9 in the morning. That just bites the big one. Grrr. Why does it have to be so early in the morning. I guess I will just have to reframe the thing and be excited that it is early and will be over early in the day.
I cooked dinner again last night (Bridget, I really do cook six or seven nights a week). While shopping at Wegman's I discovered that Amanda, an ex-crush, does fire tricks and is getting married at Burning Man! I juggle flaming torches! Who knew we had that in common? I do now. :) Anyway, dinner was steak with veggies. Turned out pretty darn well, if you ask me.
Ok, I have to run. Hope you all have a great portion of your life today! :)
Pictures from August 23, 2011:
Little stations like this dotted the William Smith Green, so I had to go ask what it was about (turned out to be some sort of eco-orientation for Freshmen (First years)) and this squirrel was curious also!
These seem to be popping up all over the place. Luckily I ran into the woman who owned it - 38 miles a gallon - about what my Yaris does.
38 miles a gallon? No way. She must be driving with the emergency brake on. That's what I used to get on my 1993 Honda Civic.
I know! I was surprised it was so low, too! What are you getting on your Prius? 55?
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