Friday, August 12, 2011


There is a great song by a defunct local SF band about Waiting. I will see if I can find it and post it one day. I think the CD might still be in Clayton. Well, most of my music is still in Clayton. Hmm.

Waiting - I spent an hour waiting yesterday - ok, felt like an hour, but was really only maybe 20 minutes. Who knew one could talk on the phone so long? I had to wait to talk with a Dean about signing up for a Spanish class. Gotta love bureaucracy. Anyway, it turns out that I did know him - he and one of his sons used to come to juggling back in the day - oh, ten years ago. I have run into him randomly here and there and just now have put the pieces together (or did yesterday). So, another step towards a Spanish class. Yippee! I went to look to see if I could buy the text book, but the book store had already closed - summer hours still. Sigh. I hope to get there today if I can finsih this blog and get it posted by 10 am eastern time.

After that, I had a nice chat with Kim, one of the people responsible for student activities at Hobart. Nice woman and I look forward to interacting with her again. Looks like more bureaucracy to deal with there to get a juggling group started. Yippee! Red tape is good for present wrapping!

I walked downtown to the bank and deposited my ill gotten gains from the Opera gig - $250! Wow! And I wasn't expecting anything - hoping for maybe $100. Zowie. So I ordered mom a book from Amazon - but haven't gotten a video camera yet. I will do it. I had a great thought - I will do some light interviewing and include that on my videos about beer tasting. "What makes a porter, a porter?" That ought to get some interesting responses...

Looking through my pictures, I was surprised at how many interesting ones I took. I had thought that I would be hard pressed to pick a couple for today - but it will be harder to pick than I thought! Yippee for pleasant surprises.

Pizza from a box for dinner last night. I think it turned out ok. Not much of a dinner, though I think I had at least two pieces, maybe three! Yum! I heart pizza!

Today, we are off to the races, a brewpub and Indian Food dinner. Wish me luck!

Pictures from August 11, 2011:

Gnarly! :) I love taking pictures of tree roots! Well, trees in general...

Smith Hall (where I waited) and ominous looking clouds that produced no rain!

Pizza from the box before it went in the oven - I added pepperoni and a lot of mozzarella cheese!

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