Saturday, August 27, 2011

No Fair!

Yup, no Fair today. I get to stay home and work on Diary of a Plate Addict, since I did nothing on it at all yesterday. Sigh. I am a bad, bad person. :)

Ok, I didn't do nothing - I did look at the pages of notes that I have and I did glance at the book a couple of times. It just seemed like the day got away from me. I didn't wake up until almost 10:30 in the morning - not an auspicious way to start the day if one wants to get a lot accomplished. I puttered on the computer - Daily Challenge may only take a few seconds or minutes a day to accomplish, but the maintenance is akin to Facebook just now. I will relax about it at some point, I am sure. Just not yet - my goal is to do a full year of challenges. We shall see - who knows what a year will bring? Or even a day!

Next stop, lunch for mom and me. But wait, what is that? A whole flock of students on the William Smith Green (I wonder if it is still called that...). So I had to investigate. And get my camera. Oh, right, the camera battery was I just need to charge a battery - but wait, where is my charger, eeek! I can't find my charger. I get so distraught when something that normally has a place to live (in this case, my computer bag) is missing. Grr. Quick room toss and not there - so I went out with my iPhone and took some pictures with it. Of my finger. Sigh. I did eventually find the charger, but while it was missing, I was a little hot and bothered and therefore found my mom's antics to be slightly annoying. Double grrr.

Then, it was errands time! Bank, post office, library (Got all of the "Hunger Games" books - now I just need to find time (choose time) to read them. Has anyone else read them?), Physical Therapist's Office (making appointments for mom) and lastly Wegman's for some groceries. It really irked me that they not only checked my driver's license to make sure I was old enough to buy beer (I mean, come on...) but then she had to call over a supervisor because my license is from out of state. This is almost enough to make me want to not shop at Wegman's. Next time I am going to go to a manager and see if there isn't something they can do about the issue. I resent, slightly, or maybe mightily, a 12 year old not being secure enough in their powers of observation to let me buy beer without carding me. It was flattering at 25, but ludicrous at 50.

The rest of the day was devoted to not working on the book. I played, I puttered, I cooked fish, asparagus and corn on the cob (both of the veggies turned out excellently) for dinner...sigh.

Today - I will do at least one page of the book!

Photos from August 26, 2011:

Finger on the right and I don't know what on the left - and the kids in the middle - some sort of orientation exercise...

Michelle from the Physical Therapist's office.


Anonymous said...

Dear human, human, whirlwind of a person ; ),

I can tell you from my own experience with being carded at Wegman's, complaining will do nada. It's an official policy and as silly as it seems the employes have to card everyone no matter how obviously over 40 they are.
I am constantly tempted to stop shopping at Wegman's but their superior pain de campagne and endless variety of fresh veggies keeps me coming back.

Augustus said...

Well, poop. :)