Anyway, this post is about my lovely Monday. It was a lovely day, all things considered. I got up and got out at a reasonable time. First stop, picking up my birthday Monty Python DVDs. Still one of the best birthday gifts I have ever received! Chatted with Kim about life (and such) for a bit before heading to Clayton.
Daniel and Cate were troupers and helped out a lot in getting the bedroom and closet packed up. I brought three tubs of stuff with me, and left another 11 behind! Eeek! I did pass on the opportunity presented to cull my clothing. I don't wear most of it - I ought to just let it go. Sigh. Especially the stuff I don't like. But no, I didn't even let those things go. All in all, we took about 4 hours to get it done. Daniel worked on neatening the garage (the space where the pool table is). Cate also helped out by washing out and filling water bottles and neatening the trunk of my car! Of course, I did forget a few things and left a bit of a mess for my next visit. Maybe if I do four hours of work each time I go, I will eventually have a neat and sorted house. Ha!
After the hard work, it was Bojangles time! I miss Bojangles. Oh well. It isn't like I will never visit NC. I do have my 19th plate to finish (only 11 more beers to go). And later Diary of a Plate Addict signings. If I stay 5 days at each Saucer, I will finish another plate. That would be my 20th.
After Bojangles, we headed off to the Saucer. Adam Springs joined us for a bit. And later, Chris Telesca, and Eric and Nancy hung out with us. Saw a few other people and chatted with them as well. Met yet another new server - she has lovely hair - Lisa I think her name was...
Next, Juggling! I do hope that Daniel continues to go to juggling. It is fun to juggle by oneself, but I have always felt it more enjoyable to juggle with other people. Even if you are only juggling in the same room and not passing at each other or something. It was a small turnout, but that is fine. Cate started to learn and did pretty well.
Lastly, it was ice cream time! We don't do that often - though it is a bit of a tradition in this club.
So, all in all, a lovely Monday.
Pictures are from May 30, 2011:
After the great neatening!
I needed more tubs - the pile on the bed was impressive too - I ought to have gotten a photograph of that. Oh well. This is impressive enough!
Eric finished his 11th plate Monday! Go Eric!
Cate juggling garbage bags! Fun stuff!
Gee, doesn't Daniel look thrilled...
Augustus, you might have fun adding Sitemeter, or another traffic tracker to your blog, so you will see when people are reading :) It's free, and you can copy and paste some code into your sidebar or footer.
Thank you Elizabeth! I might try it - though it might also be really depressing... :)
You're welcome. Oh, no! :) It is fun to see who is coming from where and what they are looking at.
Okey dokey! I will try it! :)
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