Monday, June 13, 2011

Losing one's Keys

Has anyone out there in bloggerworld ever lost their keys? Ok, I think this is a fairly universal occurrence. Yesterday as Sam and I were heading out the door - Sam to visit Ernst and Betty (my eldest brother and my sister-in-law) at their cabin in the Adirondacks - me and mom to head out on an adventure, I misplaced my keys. Sam dutifully helped me to look. It didn't take long to find them. My keys are almost always in one of three places. In one of the locks - nope, not there. In the little thingie beside my bed - nope not there. In my pants still - nope, not there. Eventually, I thought to look in my pen cup. I have a mug filled with pens from which I take two every time I go out. The pens live in the same pocket as my keys. Sometimes they get entangled. Ok, frequently they get entangled. And that was the case this time. When I had taken my pens out to return them to their mug, the keys tagged along for the ride. So there they were, resting quietly in the mug! Huzzah!

All ready, get set...but wait, now Sam lost his keys. He had just shown them to me minutes before. So we knew he had them recently. We looked everywhere. Tore apart the bed they were sleeping in, pulled Lewis from the car, pulled stuff from the car, looked in places they couldn't possible be - like in my pocket, etc. Sam kept saying "they could have fallen out of my pocket - so they could be anywhere." Which is where they were. In the last place we looked - under the car on the driver side where they had fallen from his pocket! Phew!

Losing things is distressing. Really distressing. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be losing one's memory, as my mom is. Very scary indeed. I do realize at some point, she will forget that she is losing her memory, which will probably be a blessing for her, but even more sad and frustrating for the people in her life. Yippee.

I am about ready to stop Plenty of Fish (the free dating site) and not quite ready to start my meet-up group. We shall see how I feel after I return from my next trip to NC - which will happen at the end of the month.

We had a little adventure yesterday - mom and I drove to Keuka Brewing Company and then had food at The Village Tavern in Hammondsport. I sincerely doubt I will be frequenting either place. The Keuka Brewing Company was pleasant enough. They had six beers to taste for $3. The beer was all ok - nothing outstanding. I disliked the Habenero Ale. I also was not enamored of their Raspberry Wheat - it was more of a sour and I wasn't expecting that from the classification. I liked their rootbeer. And the other two beers were pretty normal.

The Village Tavern is a cool place, but I was disgruntled when I got there and didn't get better for a long time. Eating food helped, as did a yummy beer, a Black IPA, from the brewery in Horseheads NY. Mom and I had mussels and split a hamburger. I think I tipped Maria, our server, not very well. As I say, I was disgruntled. Not an excuse, just an observation.

Pictures from June 12, 2011:

Mom and Lewis and their stuffed animals!

Unprepossessing place.

I had lots of options to choose from for this picture slot - I could have put up the one of three shots of the front, one of the interior, one of our food - I just thought this one was most colorful and representative.

This is a still life of the pillows on my recently re-sheeted bed.


jessibojangles said...

Of course the keys were in the last place you looked Agustus. If you kept looking for them you'd be dumb!

Augustus said...

Hi Jeesibojangles - I always look in one more place after I find something - just to be contrary. :) And dumb, apparently. :-)