To start at the beginning - I actually worked my plan yesterday. I did exactly what I said I was going to. Yippee! The kitchen was looking pretty sharp when I got done with it. I accomplished the work on Diary of a Plate Addict that I wanted to accomplish: I put up 21 more plates and reposted some 15 glasses. Huzzah!
Then, at 5 pm or so, I headed south to Watkins Glen for the beer festival. I got a little lost - the place they were holding it was a campground in the middle of nowhere New York. Hmm - is there a real Nowhere NY? No, there isn't - except for a bar in NYC but that doesn't count...I finally saw a teeny weeny light blue sign that was barely visible saying that I was on the right path! It must have been all of 8 inches square!
The ticket people were warm and friendly. Terri even gave me a hug because I was acting stressed out. Nice way to start the festival! I wonder if she gave everyone a hug. Anyway, we got a tasting glass and twenty tickets - I guess we were supposed to only have 20 tastes. Oops. There were twelve beer companies represented, each with two or three beers. Two different areas - one under a tent, the other in a building. There was some donated cold food - sandwiches, some peanut sauced pasta, a few marinated vegetables (including some marinated artichokes) - and some hot food - bratwurst and another type of sausage and some pirogi. Also two musician spots - one in each area. Picnic tables were scattered around as well.
It dripped a little when I first arrived, but mostly it was clear and dry. I chatted with sundry people, gave out a few business cards, drank beer and ate food. There were people I actually had met before there - the brewer, Seth, from Rooster Fish - John the brewer from Two Goats (who had shaved so I didn't recognize him at first). And new people - lots of new to me people. The longest chat I had was with Cate-Ellen - Catherine-Eleanor. Bon Voyage mademoiselle!
I got there around 6 and left around 9:30 I think. I didn't look at the clock. My gps and my audio book saw me safely home.
About the beer - nothing really leapt out at me. Nothing terrible either. Good thing I don't write about beer for a living... :)
Pictures from June 16, 2011:
Mom's flower arrangement - all from the garden, such as it is...
A typical lunch - chicken curry salad sandwich, Augustus made coleslaw, pringles and some cottage cheese. Yum!
The tasting tickets and the tasting glass.
There is an album on Facebook of 19 pictures from the Festival.
Also, if you didn't see it, I put up a stealth post last night about a high school memory...
Thank you for reading!
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