Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Advice?

As my nephew hopped into his rental car and headed off to Norther NY, he gave me some advice. He said not to worry about the lack of comments from the Saucer people and not to worry about not getting everyone's written release for their pictures. Just to go ahead and get the thing done without those things. Once it is done, if people complain, people complain! So, my goal, to finish my part of working on the draft by the end of the week and get it off to Heather, the designer! Come hell or high water. Grrr! Hear me roar!!

A friend found a dateable person on Plenty of Fish. Congratulations to her!! That means there is hope. Actually, though I am getting fed up with Plenty of Fish (the dating site), my hope still stays strong that I will find someone dateable. Of course, there is always the current crush of the month to keep my mind occupied. Speaking of whom, I got a book out of the library that she apparently liked. We shall see. I will read most anything that someone recommends. Or at least one thing that they recommend. If I find it atrocious or just not to my liking, I will take their further recommendations with a grain or three of salt.

Went for another test ride yesterday and liked that bike a lot more than the first one. The first one just felt hard and a little painful. And I don't like that. This one was more mellow feeling. So, the bike place has ordered one for me to test ride. If I like it, I will get it. Yippee! I forgot to ask for a time frame and they didn't offer. Hmm.

Also, I met with the Chinese woman who was interested in having me help her with her English. She only gets one day off a week from her job, so we will be meeting Mondays it seems. Nice person. I hope I can help! Like some other immigrants, she has been staying in her comfort zone, spending most of her time with people from her own country and not really immersing herself in the culture (such as it is) here. I hope I can help her change that...

Lastly, I ventured to a new to me bar. Inland Reef. I have seen it for years but have never been in. Morgan, a new friend, was working there for the last time, so I stopped in to say hello. I ended up playing two games of pool with a pool hustler - not that I got taken, since I don't gamble on pool, but he was happy to tell me how he loved to play for money.

Oh, I guess that wasn't lastly. I did want to mention that I feel a little guilty whenever I do anything not with my mom. I feel sad that she is sitting alone in the house reading one of her books, or watching television or doing whatever she does when I am not around. Then I realize that I can't live her life for her and there really is nothing for me to feel guilty about. And that mostly assuages my feelings. Yippee!

Pictures from June 13, 2011:

Next door's roses!

On my ride, I came across this yard! Looking cool!

This was the second test ride bicycle. I liked it better than the first.


Anonymous said...

Augustus, dear young man! You are doing an enormous amount of help for Ma by pretty much, as well as I can tell, giving up your own life and spending time with her, going places, doing things, clearing out "stuff." Ma is VERY lucky to have you so don't even think about feeling guilty when you have the occasional outing on your own. If Ma were to think about it I know she would totally agree with me. She is one person I can't imagine having to endure this disease! Looking forward to seeing both of you.
With love from Bosey

Augustus said...

Thank you Bosey!