Friday, April 22, 2011


It looks like it is going to be a shopping day. And maybe a movie later. Mom likes to go to the movies, but doesn't like to go by herself. Sigh. So, we went to see Rio last night. Lots of fun. Not worth $9 a piece, but maybe that is just me. It would have been worth maybe $3.50 per person. It was in 3D which really makes no difference that I can tell. It is nice when movies are in 3d, just not exciting. Oh well. Cute movie - wait for it on Redbox is my suggestion. Tonight we might go see The Big Lebowski in our local second run theatre. We shall see.

We did laundry yesterday. There is some fun to be had doing laundry. And I made mom walk two blocks to check out what was at the movie theater. You would have thought I was trying to kill her, the way she carried on. Eeek! Other than going up and down the stairs a few times a day, she doesn't really do much in the way of moving around. Sad.

I cooked tacos last night. They even had a box that contained both hard and soft tacos! Yippee! We have left overs for Saturday's lunch now. I am excited.

Hey, does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the Saucer home office to respond about my book? I figure if they don't get their act together, I will drive there in May and talk with them face to face. Sigh. I really don't want to drive all the way to Texas, but I will do what I have to do to get their buy-in.

Pictures from April 21, 2011:

See, aren't I a good packer! Ok, sometimes I am, just not this time...

There are several murals in downtown Geneva. I like this one!

Mom has these little blue flowers all over her lawn. Good thing it hasn't been mown, otherwise they would be gone!

Tacos in a box. Easy peasy! Cate makes nachos and calls them tacos. Weird. Anyway, these turned out well and we have leftovers! Yippee!


Sam said...

If you want to hire me as your book agent I can make an appointment to go to the Saucer Home Office for you ... ;)

Augustus said...

What will it cost and when would you be willing to go? Have you looked at the book? I am going to send you an invite to Dropbox - the latest draft is from March...

Anonymous said...

I ALSO saw Rio in 3D that same night! Visually fun, buuut ... need i say more?
i would rather see big lebowski any day of the week. they should make THAT movie in 3d. that would be cool.

Augustus said...

I did tear up a little - I must admit that Jason Eisenberg's voice annoys me more than a little. Mom liked the movie a lot - second childhood I think. :)