Monday, October 31, 2011

Diary of a Plate Addict Website

So, I am building a website for my books, Diary of a Plate Addict and Bar Dreams. Yippee! I started by trying to use some online webpage building tools. They are all fine and good - give a professional look and all, but I wasn't feeling it. So I decided to go old school and open up a web design app and just throw something together myself. Goodness, it has been so long since I did anything like this. I think I built my first website in 1990? Wow, could it be that long ago? More than 20 years! I remember opening up the source from a page that I liked and copying it and playing with it to try and figure out how to change things. It was fun!

This go 'round, I am using a beta app called Kompozer. Sometimes it does things I just don't understand. And I have no idea, really, what is happening with the files on the hosting company's computer. Sigh. But I have something up and public at least. I found out that it was possible to test one's paypal website, but I don't know that I want to go through the hassle of doing all of that.

The website is bare bones, to say the least. I do hope to keep tweaking it over the next couple of weeks, but I think it does what I need it to do. My main reason for building it was for accepting credit/debit cards and paypal for book purchases. I have a special page that people can't navigate to unless they know the url. My plan is to have my computer with me and just let people enter their information on the website if they want to pay with a card or through paypal.

Much of yesterday was spent working on the website. I also pulled all of the containers out of the refrigerator to see what there was in there. Lots of leftovers to eat for lunch for the next few days. Later, I cooked french toast and bacon and a glop composed of regular and sweet potatoes, green peppers and pearl onions (since I had neglected to resupply myself with regular onions). All pretty darn tasty.

Late night was game night. It was just three people, so we played a game called Colossal Arena. Fun stuff. Then we worked on whist and bridge. Yippee! I love to play bridge for some reason. Sigh.

All in all, it was a good day.

Pictures from October 30, 2011:

Lots of leftovers in lots of containers!

Glop and yummy!

One monster has already died...


naturegirl said...

And how praytell are your readers and followers obtain a link to this website :0) Must I fish around? or will simply asking the author to email a link suffice?

Augustus said...

An email has been sent to your personal email address, B!