Friday, October 7, 2011

Apple and Me

Since Apple is on many people's minds due to Steve Jobs' passing, I thought I would put my Apple story here.

I was aware of the Apple II - it was out about the same time as the commodore 64 and other computers like that. When my mom and I were living in China, the first Mac came out. I convinced mom to buy one when we returned. We bought a 512ke. Very cutting edge. I used that for while until I went to grad school. There I purchased a Macplus that someone had upgraded from a 128k. I am still hoping that it was one of the originals - with the signatures in plastic in the back. I haven't opened it to find out. My next mac was a Mac Se with two disk drives. I added a hard drive to it later - I think it was a whopping 20 meg hard drive. Next was Quad 440 AV. It came with a really cool monitor with speakers built in! Someone in there, I got a Newton. I convinced the company I was working for that it could be a good productivity tool. That device was so far ahead of its time, it isn't even funny. And iVillage was around I think at that time. Another thing that was way ahead of its time. Anyway, after the 440AV, I got a laptop - a black one - I wish I could remember the code name for it. I had that laptop for years. Even kept using it a little after I ripped the top off in an accident (I dropped it on the floor). Then, a white MacBook and most recently a second MacBook. I also own an iPhone (3gs) and my mom owns an iPad, which she doesn't use very much. I used it more on her behalf. :)

The excitement yesterday was twofold - more repair work was done and I made eggrolls - I am trying something different - rather than frying them and then freezing them, I am freezing them raw and will fry them when it is time to eat them. I wonder how long I will have to thaw them... Hmm.

Sorry this took so long - no real excuse. Yippee!

Pictures from October 6, 2011:

Don Wheeler - Handyman/Contractor

The scary basement steps - I mean, I was scared of them

Side entry floor - eeek!

John's new steps with a second railing!

The icky Labatt's beer...

Refurbished back entry

Eggrolls and fried rice!

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