Monday, February 28, 2011

Best Laid Plans

And some not so best laid - often go awry. So, I didn't end up going to the Oscar Party last night. I hope it was fun! I just chose not to. I am a big person, and changing my mind is within my rights. So I exercised that right. Woohoo! What did I do instead? Not a whole lot. Even bigger woohoo! :)

The house is a mess, which is actually its normal state. Sadly, the kitchen hasn't been cleaned and since I didn't contribute to that messiness, I am not going to clean it up. And until it is clean, I am not doing any cooking in there. That's right. So there! That'll show 'em! No, it probably won't. Oh well.

Tonight might or might not be juggling. I haven't seen Daniel since he got back from his dad's. We shall see. I do know that tonight will be the Saucer. My week of beer isn't over yet. Wednesday is the last day. I can manage it! It is such hard work...

Yay, Pictures!

These are pictures for the book that I happened to take yesterday. And these are it! I was planning on taking lots of pictures at the Oscar Party. Oh well. These will suffice.

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