Thursday, February 24, 2011

Driving Day

I got up in the morning, mostly intending to stop halfway back instead of driving all the way through. Oops. Partly I didn't stop because I didn't really know why to stop. I thought of calling a couple of friends/acquaintances/relatives in the Baltimore/DC area, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Next plan - find a decent place to hang out for a couple of hours that had wifi. Eat something, have a beer and then either drive home or find place to sleep. Sigh. I didn't succeed at that either.

Traffic wasn't the most horrendous it has ever been around DC. It only added about an hour and a half to my drive (bringing the total to 12.5).

Some pictures from the day, though.

Someday again I will have a decent camera. Not that my little point and click doesn't have its uses. Anyway, the weather conspired to create a winter wonderland so I took some pictures as I started back to NC.


I somehow ended up at the exit where I had spent the night on my way up. That comfort inn is the one I slept in. Weird?

So, I am looking forward to getting out of the house today. My plan is to shower, beard trim, well, not in that order, head out to the bank, library, printer shopping, then to the Saucer. Perhaps a movie later. Life is uncertain. Yippee!


Kim C. said...

12! Woot!

Augustus said...

Don't look now, but there are 13!