Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seems like Sunday!

I am all messed up about the day of the week. Poop.

Thank you those who wished my mom well. I am sure she will be ok and that this was more hypochondria than anything real. Apparently they gave her some sort of antibiotic that costs $10 a pill after her insurance and everything! Eeeek! I hope I never get sick again. I can't afford it! Sad world when wars happen all over the place and people can't afford to get sick. Whatever!

It is a beautiful day today and promises to be a beautiful next week or so. Has Spring sprung? Was Punxsutawney Phil correct? Anything is possible!

Made yummy food last night with Daniel. Yippee! And I think I am making something with steak tonight. Not sure what. Maybe rice and steak. I don't know. Heading to the Saucer around four - maybe I will end up not making anything. That would be ok.

All righty then. Pictures!

Believe it or not, there is a person in there!

Yum! Philly Chicken Cheese Steak like sandwich and Daniel's beer batter fries!


Kim C. said...

Who's the mystery person on the couch?

Augustus said...

But that would be telling... :)