Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pictures from February 2

Woke up early and did a good bit of work - getting together some text for the book - a lot of the front matter. And tossed some more suggestions Heather's way - lucky woman.

On the docket today, the bank and the post office. I need to mail out a couple of checks. And maybe a Pole. :)

Did you know that one can only upload 5 pictures to blogger at one go. So these six took two goes!

So here it is, the first draft of Diary of a Plate Addict. Great start!

Look, it's a book!

This is a glimpse of my living room at Chez Schoen-René. I wish it would stay this way for more than three days...

A table full of beerknurds worshiping at the altar of Foothills Sexual Chocolate!

A "Photo with Facebook Friends" picture. Not only a professional photographer, but highly photogenic, is Emily!

Cindi's first plate party. Hopefully not her last! Good turnout!


Cindi said...

Wow! I'm honored to have made it to your blog :-) FANX!

Augustus said...
