Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thirteen is the lonliest number...

Or something like that. Or maybe nothing like that at all. Who the heck knows?! In any case, I now have 13 followers who are crazy enough to make themselves known! Woo hoo! Can I reach 100 before I die? Anything is possible!

So, how was your day yesterday? Mine was pretty darn pleasant. Yippee for pleasant days! I didn't really do anything all that extraordinary. Saucer and home. Oh, I did have Smithfield BBQ food for dinner. Hmm. Well, maybe the pictures will tell a different story. Or a story of some kind...

Oh yeah! I forgot. The big daytime activity was setting up the new printer. Wireless, color, and wow. I remember helping to facilitate the purchase of a wax transfer color printer back in 1990 or so - $3500 dollars for crappy color. This was $60 for amazing color! Yippee!! Printed out the cover (front and back) and two pages in the center of Diary of a Plate Addict. I am so excited! Makes it look more and more real.

Haven and her apricot mini-poodle Jacob or Joseph or something. Pretty. The dog, that is...

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