Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yesterday's Pictures Today!

It was a banner day making a third great day in the new year! Ok, maybe "banner" is a bit too strong. Dandy day?

I received a draft of Diary of a Plate Addict from my editor on Sunday night. I spent a few hours on Monday going through the draft accepting revisions and tweaking. I did it where I do all of my best work: in bed. :)

I also vacuumed. But first I had to de-hair the brush! Eeek! This is the pile of crud I removed. Damn long hair! :)

Cate decided she had to play with my hair. I never mind, but I didn't go out like that...and this picture makes my hair look really thin on top! Eeek!!

Mondays have a pattern, or at least they have recently had a pattern. Daniel and I go to Bojangles then go to the Saucer and then juggling. I am saving pictures of those momentous events for later in the year.

At the Saucer, though, it was like old home week! Everyone but Jack van Schorr put in an appearance.

Soon after that picture, three more regulars came in! Mondays at the Flying Saucer are great! Oh, and Jeanie came to visit with Dara.

She was sporting her new hair sticks! Very becoming. :)

Next Daniel and I headed to juggling where many things were thrown at people. Some were caught and some were not...

All in all, a very pleasant day! Yippee!

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