Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pictures from Lilly, er Wednesday

I think today is Thursday. I am all discombobulated. Life is uncertain at the best of times. But Life is certainly fun, if you look at it right. This morning, I woke up early, again, and wrote a blog about movies and love. I am sure you were all mesmerized by it. Then the internet went out, so I went back to sleep. When I woke up again, the internet was still out. It finally came back around 2. Yippee! Since then, I have been playing. Sigh. Yes, I play video games. And I like them. Brain melt factor and all!

Moving on, pictures from yesterday.

This is one of the reasons I like living in NC. Blue Skies. They seem to be more frequent than the appearance of them in Geneva, NY. Could just be my impression.
If any of us are Facebook fans, you might have seen my Status update about it being Jiaozi day yesterday. Well, it was. I made about 60 of the buggers. And cooked them in a couple of ways.

Jiaozi ingredients

Jiaozi creation - like dumplings.

Boiled Jiaozi.

And fried/steamed/boiled Jiaozi - also known as pot stickers. Yum!

And Daniel and I made Hot and Sour Soup together. It is his favorite. Not sour enough for me, but oh well.

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