Sunday, January 23, 2011

Joy in the weirdest places

Like everywhere. Right? Why the heck not? Why choose to look for the negative, the evil, the sad? Look and see the joy. It is right there. Staring you in the face. Choose it. Embrace it. Say yes to it. Why choose confusion and complication, when you can choose simplicity. If a relationship is complicated, move along. If life is confusing, look for the clarity and move along. Yippee, even.

Ok, I have some pictures.

Cate found an old jacket of Pekoe's. I don't think it fits anymore!

Completely unplanned and spontaneously, Jeanie texted me about going to see the Rockwell exhibit. How very thoughtful!

Kismet or the universe sending a clue - a train - very long, gave me time to read the text and call her back. Yippee!

I only wish Jeanie had had more time to hang out, but she had places to be! Good show, fun stuff. I liked the Lincoln, a piece that was done on my birthday in 1922 and a few other pieces. And we saw Kim and Russell!

I had to rush home to turn this:

Into this:

Daniel liked it.

Cate made a dinner of Greek salad - I made the dressing. :)

I also have a cool picture of the sky, but I think I have done enough with pictures for the day.

Anyway, joy to you and yours! It appears now and again...


ncjeanie said...

Hey I want some of that cake! It looks good!! Yummy!

Augustus said...

Cake is gone but will come again. Better even!