Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We've got rugs!

I don't know why, but I am not a huge rug fan. That being said, I do like the occasional rug. Growing up, the house we lived in had a lot of rugs. Hmm. Anyway, Greta, the old German Shepherd who lives here, is not very graceful on her paws just now. And the slippery wooden flooring in the house isn't helping. So, I bought a couple of runners.

I think we still need one more.

The other excitement of the day was the first of Paul Collins' masterminded "Week of Plate Parties." Last night was his dog Friday's plate party. And Robin McElroy's 10th plate party. Robin is very far behind in his parties. He is working on his fourteenth or fifteenth plate and is just now having his 10th party! Eek!

Jack was styling, wearing a borrowed chapeau!

Why was Eric sticking his tongue out at me? Heaven alone knows...


ncjeanie said...

I like this picture of Jack! It's great!

Augustus said...

I like it too. He ought to have it as his profile picture...