Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Beautiful Wednesday - Not Momentous - So far

Or at least it is so far. I am writing this at 6 in the morning, not my usual awake time. I haven't actually been sleeping all that well lately. Perhaps it is because one of Cate's cats, Caspar (ooh, alliteration) has been sharing my bed. Well, I guess it is good practice in case I ever end up sleeping with a person again.

Two people (so far) have told me that Ted Hurley has passed my plate count at the Flying Saucer. I really couldn't care much less. I like my liver and kidneys too much to go to the Saucer every day for months on end. And I don't have enough money to do so even if I were so inclined. It really isn't a big deal to me. Heck, it was bound to happen. And at least one other person had already passed me. And a few more are going to pass me soon. There is a group of five people (I think) who are working diligently on plates and were at around 14 or 15 when I chatted with them a year or so ago. At five plates a year, they also should be past me. Big whup. I like to think that I have a life. And there are lots of things Saucer related that all of those others don't have: like their own table; MOU Card #2; or having visited all of the other Saucers and met a lot of the other top beerknurds. Whatever. My liver and kidneys still love me and love is the most important thing. :)

And I think the big thing here is that Teddy has accomplished what he has accomplished. I am not sure what that is, but if he has finished his 19th plate and is working on #20, that is amazing! Especially in how short a time he has done it!

Oh, and I think I am the only Beerknurd working on a Flying Saucer book. I hope to see another draft of the cover soon.

A friend of mine recently started on a dating site. I have tried these off and on through the years. I have met some very nice people. And dated a few. Now, I can't be bothered. I would like to meet someone in real life first, unlikely as that seems just now. And that is not being pessimistic. I am just not meeting a lot of new to me people. Still. Anyway, I wish her the best of luck! Ooh, and me, I wish me the best of luck too.

Pictures will be posted later today. I think I will try to get a little more sleep. 23 winks would be good!


Anonymous said...


ncjeanie said...

It took me a minute to figure out what MOU meant (I am not a full fledged beer knurd just yet!)Got it;)

Regarding plate competitiveness: I think having a healthy and playful competitiveness about things is fun. If it pushes you to be a better person in some way (better for yourself, for humanity, for those in your immediate vicinity) it is a positively propelled action.

If competitiveness encourages one to be petty and produces no real positive outcome, well, what's the point? It's not like you're becoming a better beer athlete or your raising money for some good cause. It's a waste of time and resources to get bogged down with something that is really quite trivial in the scope of the big picture. The point of something like this is simply to HAVE FUN!

Some people get their competitive horse before their goal-oriented cart (sigh) such is life (a tip to your blog title).

I understand wanting to meet a real live person in person. It's so much more, well, LIVE that way! There is a better determination of chemistry and well, it's just much more damn exciting and interesting!

enjoying the blog!
oh and post pictures post haste!

Augustus said...

Thank you anonymous! Bitter is better, or something like that.

Thank you Jeanie!