Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another Day, Another few pictures

Pictures from yesterday, today. Time is so cool!

I didn't really do a whole lot on Wednesday. I played a bit, I worked on the book a bit, had an idea for another section in the Self Help Book and then went to the Saucer for two more plate parties! Yippee!

Two people had parties on this, the second of Paul's "Week of Plate Parities" night. Jack Van Schorr started his party when he got there, which was like 4:30. He unveiled his 17th plate!

Katie, Josh's sister, graced us with her presence! Always a welcome one in the male dominated Saucer world!

And of course, my next picture is of two of my favorite women, Cate and Nancy!

Mike Greenspon had his party too! With his beautiful wife, Paula. She only likes Carolina Pale Ale.

One of my only pet peeves about the Raleigh Flying Saucer - they just can't keep their men's bathroom neat. I wonder if the women's looks like this...

These and the rest of the plate party pictures are posted on my Facebook page!


ncjeanie said...

The women's bathroom does not look like that. I'm guessing the fact that 95% of the staff is female may have something to do with it. That's the trade off! ;)

Augustus said...

Good point! Sigh.