Saturday, January 8, 2011

Movie thoughts and Views from the Bed Tent

Not that kind of bed tent, thank you very much. My housemate, Cate, has once again turned the temperature overnight to 57 degrees. Since she is paying the electric bills now as part of her rent, I am guessing she is being parsimonious. Funny, when I was paying the electric bill and turned the heat down, she complained that she was cold all the time. Whatever. I have erected a small tent in my bed so that I can type and be completely surrounded by warmth. Yippee for warm fingers!

So, here are thoughts on three movies that I have seen recently. Sorcerer's Apprentice from Disney was very Disney-esque. Which for me is a good thing. Sappy and ultimately happy. The effects were decent, Nicholas Cage was Nicholas Cage. The kid who plays the apprentice is not my favorite actor, but was all right. All in all, I enjoyed it. Yippee.

The other night Jeanie and I went to North American Video in Cameron Village. One of the few remaining video rental places, certainly a dying breed. This one caters to the cult film sub group, which is a good niche to be in. I haven't checked into NetFlix to see if they carry enough of that sort of thing. North American didn't have the three Fred Astaire movies I asked after - Top Hat, Gay Divorcee and Flying Down to Rio. Eeek! Anyway, it is one of Jeanie's happy places. So we went and she got four movies. Later, she picked one for our viewing pleasure. Barry Munday was her choice, a movie neither of us had heard of before. It was like Juno in some ways. Also like Napoleon Dynamite. Overall, enjoyable. And a romantic comedy, which is my favorite type of film. Though I prefer a bit more panache and daring do in mine. Anyway, it was well worth watching if you like that sort of thing.

Last night, Daniel and I watched Kick Ass. I remember when the trailers were out for the movie. It looked like something I wouldn't mind seeing. Sadly, I missed it at the $1.50 movie theatre. Actually, I haven't been to the $1.50 movie theatre in quite a while. Sad. Oh well, moving on. I got Kick Ass from Red Box. Go Red Box! It was very good. Not what I was expecting, and a little confused in itself about what sort of movie it was trying to be. Very entertaining, despite a few scenes of very graphic violence.

Peace College job - There is going to be an expansion of the theatre department at Peace College. They will be offering three new Majors. I guess Kenny could teach all of the classes himself, but that would be weird. And Peace is also going to be offering Adult Education/Night Classes, some of which will be theatre related. Kenny put something on Facebook a few weeks ago and I responded with my resume. Now I don't want to get my hopes up, because that way danger and sadness lie. And though I do like a bit of danger here and there, and sadness happens sometimes, I prefer not to live in those places. Anyway, Kenny said I was "on his radar" which I take it to mean that he knows I am interested. And that is all that it means. There are of course many, many people who are more qualified than I am to be teaching theatre. None of them are me, but that counts for little in most cases. Long and short - there is an opportunity that I would be happy to undertake, but the reality is that chances are slim.

Love - how to get into this subject without being too explicit. Let's just say that I tend to get a tad obsessive, in many aspects of my life actually. In the love arena, I tend to fixate on a particular person and explore the possibilities. In this instance, I have done just that. Sadly, I think that it is time to move along again. And doubly sadly, there isn't anyone in the wings that is interesting enough to fixate on. The women that I mentioned before that a friend suggested on FB were nice, but not people I could see myself in a romantic relationship with. And so far, none of my other friends has seen fit to even introduce me to anyone. At the Journey's Spiritual Community event I went to last Sunday, there were not a lot of women who seemed appropriate (unattached, in the ball park age wise, and attractive to me - I think that is my definition of appropriate). I may go back there sometime, but not in the near future. And I really don't want to do the electronic dating thing again. Although it is a great innovation and resource, there is nothing like seeing someone in person, being attracted and then moving forward. I am just not seeing a lot of appropriate women. Sigh.

Plate Addict Book update - we are plodding along! The editor's version was not substantially different from mine. She found a lot of things to correct, which is great. And as time goes by and others read it, if they find things that are wrong or inconsistent, I hope they will let me know, so that I can get them fixed before printing the thing! My designer promised me a draft of the cover either yesterday (which didn't happen) or Monday. I am looking forward to it. Still hoping for a draft of the book to be completed by the end of January. A couple of people are looking at writing the blurbs for the back of the book. One wrote me today, so that is a good thing as well.

Later today, I will be putting up my pictures from yesterday. Until then, happy times in blogville!

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