Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weird Weather Thoughts

Does anybody else think that the weather really is wonky? I don't really care whether (had to use it) or not it is man-made, it just seems to be the case. Regardless of that, why can't we all do better with conservation? And really, we need to be using petroleum still for our cars? And coal for our electricity? Sigh.

I am an emotional yo-yo. Or maybe just a yo-yo. Someday I will learn to not be attached. Ha.

I love Hulu. Not the website design, or the shows they have, just the fact that they do let people watch stuff on line in an easy manner. Lately I have been watching the Dresden Files. There was only one season, which I think I vaguely remember seeing a promo for. I think I may have even watched an episode or two. But I like it. And it has intrigued me enough that I am going to get the first book from the library and see if it has entertainment value! Someone else pointed out a website, something like Channel 131.com, that has a lot of stuff posted to watch. Sadly it is only available to users of windows machines. And honestly, it looked a little sketchy...still, that is a great thing about the internet (so far). People can post what they want and people can look at what they want. I am all for net neutrality! Rah!

Today I joined a cooking meet-up. I haven't figured out why I am cooking so much. Earlier I mentioned nesting and that could be it. Or I could be trying to save money. Though I don't think that this is actually occurring. Slight digression - I am trying to spend less money and seem to be falling further behind in my bills. What the f$#@ is up with that? Grrrr! Anyway, it is a website founded by a woman with a lot of cookbooks, the one type of book of which I do not have many. But that can change. My sister gave me a cook book for Christmas - soups, and I have already used it. Hurrah! Oh, and so far, mostly women have joined the group. Not that that has any bearing on my decision to join the group...

The book is moving forward. Heather, my designer, sent me a draft of the cover and the back of the book. Steps in the right direction. I look forward to further installments.

Kenny, theatre guy at Peace, said to leave him alone until Mid February. I probably won't leave it that long before I contact him again. But that is still in the works. Speaking of which, a friend sent me a job posting for a theatre position. True, it was for a technical theatre opportunity - which I could fake my way through - but not strictly my metier.

And I am worried about money. I think my unemployment runs out at the end of the month. I don't know for sure. I will work on this worry tomorrow, Wednesday, hopefully after the roads aren't so icy. In the back of my mind, I am thinking I might have a few more weeks, somehow, I just don't know. And there are not a lot of jobs that pay me well enough to keep my house. Sigh.

Yippee! Way to end on a high note Augustus! Ok, I will add one more bit. Tonight is supposed to be Bridge Night at my house, but because of the weather (see, I tied it all in) it might not happen. Poop! I do love to play bridge. And I love my group. And I was going to make the avocado egg rolls for nibbles. Sigh.


Cindi said...

I'm starting to get into cooking too! Now that I don't HAVE to do it, I'm hoping to enjoy doing it. I got Julia Child's first book, and am loving it! We should have an Epicurean evening sometime! got some cool cookware for Christmas too.

Augustus said...

I just joined a cooking meetup. Yippee!