Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday's Picture on Sunday

Time is weird. Just thought I would share that profound statement/observation.

So, opinion poll time - as Diary of a Plate Addict comes into existence, what book ought I to be working to finish next - my relationship book, a self help book, or a third book that is mostly a concept at this time - a book that is pop psychology based on what a person's favorite movie is. All thoughts welcome.

Saturday was dandy. Yippee! I got up and did little. I did eventually go out and get some needed ingredients for Saturday's soup. Walmart is always an interesting experience. And Lowes Foods I always enjoy. I also picked up a movie - Legend of the Guardians for our viewing pleasure.

Got home, hung around some more and read a lot.

Cate and two of her fur kids hung out on the sofa.

I took a walk around the house and saw this - anyone know why this happens and if I ought to do something about it?

I think I read an entire book today. Or maybe it was over two days. All I know is that I enjoyed it tremendously and would love to read all the rest of the series. I am, in fact, debating, once again, forking out money to Wake County for a library card. It used to be $20 for a year. I just looked (love the internet) and it is now $25. Speaking of which, I distinctly remember telling MSFT to not automatically renew my Gold membership. And they renewed it anyway. Grrr. The book was Storm Front by Jim Butcher. Yippee!

Eventually I cooked the soup. Note to self, carrot soup is not my favorite soup.

In fact, I think it turned out to be pretty icky. Just nothing exciting. Edible, but just barely. Sigh. I guess I will try other soups. Daniel keeps harping on me to make Hot and Sour soup again. I could maybe do that. I will see how I feel after tonight's plate party.

Kim Connally is having a plate party tonight (Sunday). It is her first. She has invited 20 or so people. I don't really want to go - I don't like parties that are that large, but I promised. And she and Russell are both great people. And most of the people who were invited I know. Sigh.

Anyway, after soup, we watched the movie - well Daniel and I did. Cate had a little party all by herself out on the porch in her gazebo - currently called Pepperland. I enjoyed the movie. We were going to watch a second Fred and Ginger movie, but I got out voted - 1 to 1 with one abstaining. Hmm. I didn't think that was how democracy worked, but live and learn, I guess. So I went to bed and finished my book instead! Magical dreams...

Hope you had magical dreams as well! Happy Sunday!

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