Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy January 3

If a picture is worth 1000 words, are 1000 words equal to a picture? What I guess I am asking is if I neglect to take a picture one day, can I make up for it by writing a lot? I think not. :)

Anyway, another day, another picture. What is it that the 12 step programs preach - one day at a time? Not a bad thought.

Here are my pictures for January 2.

I went to a meeting of Journey's on Sunday for a few reasons. When I got there, I discovered that I was in a strip mall of religion. Well, there were a few non-religious places, but still...

I went for several reasons, but first and foremost to meet people I had never met in person before.

We had a cool ritual of burning stuff that we wanted to let go.

Tony and Brooke look amused - not sure what is happening with Andi, though...

Later, I went to the Saucer. An accident happened nearby. I hope no one was seriously injured!

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