Friday, May 10, 2013

This and some of that

Just had the weirdest dream - which I am not going to share - suffice it to say, it was weird. And disturbing. Don't know if I want to go back to sleep. Eeeek.

I did not accomplish all of what I wanted to accomplish yesterday. None of the fiscal/financial/ick stuff. Glarg. I did, though, start moving/redistributing stuff from the living room. My idea is to move everything from there to other places - or at least to the room at the head of the stairs - my old room from when I was a tyke - before moving that stuff up into the attic - a sort of expandable universe up there - room for a few more households to be dumped into, I am sure. I had one of those darn epiphany-lets - now that the red room has been delinened - all of it artfully crammed into the linen closet, I am going to move all of the empty boxes from the living room to there - so it will feel like I have made a lot of progress. Yay for the semblance of progress. Or for semblance indeed! Perception is reality!

Sorting, at least, continues. I like to sort - and to throw stuff out - even if it is my stuff. I am an equal opportunity thrower-outer. Yes, I do hold onto silly stuff - like movie ticket stubs. What the heck am I going to do with movie ticket stubs? Maybe my grandchildren (ha. hahahahahahaha) will look at them and be in awe that I went to so many movies.
Today is mom's birthday. I am waiting to "get up" until after the mail has arrived - hoping that another birthday card (she has only gotten two) arrives. I do have a present for her - the book from the Chasing Ice guy/movie that she for some reason keeps remembering. I think she will look at it for about five minutes and then never look at it again - but I hope that it will make her choose happy for a few minutes as well. I will get her flowers tonight at the grocery store when I go to get makings for dinner tonight. I am a little anxious about cooking mussels - bad shellfish is, er, bad. But we shall do the best we can!

So far, she has gotten flowers and candy! Thank you E&B and J&P! You all rock! Karl sent her a package earlier. I am guessing it has marzipan fruit in it. I will let mom open that later today. After her hair appointment. Yay!


summerhill said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom!

Good vibes to you! :)

Augustus said...

Thank you!

naturegirl said...

Happy birthday to mom!!!!!have a wonderful day and a happy Mothers day too

Augustus said...

Thank you B! Happy thoughts to you and yours!