Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who did some exploring?

This guy! This guy did some exploring today. First stop, a new beer place that is opening in Geneva. I stopped by and walked in because the doors were open. There were three people there - two women and a man. The man barely said a word. From the women I learned that the place will open in 8-10 days or 3 weeks. That they are waiting for the liquor license which they already have. And that they will have 20 or 24 taps. Yay! I guess I will check back later. No web page or Facebook page apparently...

Next stop was at a place called 2prg -  apparently a fairly wide spread electronics recycling organization. Zero landfill results from things brought there - they don't take air conditioners or humidifiers/dehumidifiers but just about everything else, including floppy disks, CDs and video tapes. Yay! Now I just have to bring myself to let go of some of the useless electronic stuff I have accumulated over the years.

So, how was that for exploring?! Other than that, I had a pleasant time at the laundromat.

Hey, did everyone know that the best way to store carrots is in water? I didn't - I had to look it up on the internet! I am very happy to be living in the internet age. How about you? Now, how to store grapes...ok, basically don't wash them before storing them in ziploc bags in the fridge. I wouldn't have guessed about the not washing part...

Watched Hanna the other night. Not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination. I don't think it figured out what sort of movie it was. Action for sure - but what else? Science Fiction? Suspense? Feel good because the girl sort of makes friends? I don't know. I can't tell if the little girl is a good actress, but I am pretty sure she isn't. Eric Bana was ok at best. And Cate Blanchett was terrible. If you want to see a young girl kill lots of people, watch the movie - otherwise you might let it slide!

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