Saturday, May 25, 2013

This is a blog. This is just a blog.

For those who don't know, this is a blog. Usually this particular blog is about my life and such. Hence the name. There are times when I write here just to hear myself out loud. Well, you know what I mean. Sometimes I whine just to hear myself whine. And then I can let it go. It's like when I hit my finger with a hammer - I like to howl and scream and generally carry on in a big way for a few seconds (or an hour) and then, amazingly, the pain seems less painful and I move on. I do sometimes exaggerate or make hyperbolic (there's that word again) statements. Just because I can. I do try to not prevaricate or obfuscate, but that does happen once in a while. Very infrequently - because I do, really, believe that honesty is the best and perhaps only policy to be followed in interpersonal communication. Except with my mom. But that is another story. I guess this is all to say: take what you read here with a grain of salt. If you feel compassionate or empathetic, great! If you want to fix me - probably not a good idea as I love me just the way I am. Now is perfect (kinda by definition).

Nothing much to write about the happenings of yesterday. I took the day off from doing anything too constructive besides writing. No, I am not working on a new book at this point. The writing I did yesterday was blogging, Daily Challenge and emails. Lots of POF and such emails.

I rented A Tale of Two Cities for mom to watch last night. I think she liked it, though it was too complicated for her, which is good information for me. I need to pick simpler things for her to watch. She really loves the nature videos I got for her - Planet Earth! I will need to watch them one day. One of the great things is that she doesn't really remember them, so she can watch them over and over again. Yay!

Maybe I will be more productive today. Maybe not. Only time will tell.

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