Sunday, May 26, 2013

Misplaced my camera

Well, my mom's camera, actually, has been misplaced. After wearing it on my hip for most of the last year, I put it down somewhere and now I can't find it. Grrr. It will turn up. Unless mom put it somewhere, then it might be gone forever. We still haven't found her glasses. Probably won't find her glasses until we move out of this house. (Found the camera at least...)

I forgot one of the most exciting things that happened on Friday. I made a bit of caramel popcorn by melting some caramels in the microwave. Not perfect, but tasty anyway!

Now that Saturday is "in the can" Sunday has arrived in all of its splendor! My brother and his children arrive much later today - probably past midnight - so officially Monday, but who is counting. Before he gets here, I still have to make his bed. I am going to jump right on that. Oh, and I need to plan something for dinner tonight. Oops, I don't think I have any kid friendly food for breakfast on Monday. Hmm, something else to think about.

Saturday was again a not very productive day. It was chilly here in Geneva, NY so I did my best not to go out too much. I did get to the store, Wegman's, and bought some comestibles. And will go again today. I bought a cabbage and forgot to get more mayonnaise to enable me to make my version of coleslaw. It is coleslaw time of year. And I got more corn on the cob, which mom dutifully husked. Or shucked.

Later, I drove to Syracuse to meet a person from POF (Plenty of Fish) for a beer at Empire Brewing Company. I really don't like going out on Saturday nights - it is just so crowded. And this Saturday was no exception. Maybe I ought to change my mind, though. There were lots of pretty people wandering about.

I did manage to secure us two seats at the bar. After she arrived, rose between her teeth and a copy of 50 Shades of Grey III under her arm (as I had jokingly suggested), we had a lovely time chatting about this and that and the other thing. The time passed quickly, and suddenly it was pumpkin time for me. It really isn't that long a drive to and from Syracuse, in the greater scheme of things!

Unfortunately, the movie that I had put on for mom before I left malfunctioned - despite being washed. She said it quit on her soon after I left. Sigh. Technology - sometimes it can be frustrating. Not sure what to do about that movie. Probably toss it unless I can find a way to make it happy and work.

I just read an awesome little article - awesome because I agreed with it. I am, as some of you now, fairly liberal in my views of society and politics. Here is a link:

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