I knew somewhere in the back of my brain - not the dinosaur part, but something a little higher functioning, that "blog" was short for Weblog. But had forgotten it in my fore-brain. See, reading is good for you. :)
Into the Woods last night was ok, not great. A wide range of talents which detracted from the good book and music. Sondheim is tough music generally. And it didn't help that the dimmer packs kept overheating and putting actors into shadow. The directing seemed good and the tech was decent. All in all, worth the $10 that we spent (each) to go see it.
The one major task on my plate for the day is packing. Which is why I like driving my car places, when I can. My packing can be a lot less exact. There is usually a place for last minute and bulky items. I can't, or haven't yet, decided whether or not to take my new sit-up pillow. Mostly I am just going to pack the same old stuff. Yippee!
The trip has morphed a bit. Originally I thought to stop in VT at a bunch of different, better known breweries. With the potential of actually doing a book about brewpubs, I decided to look for those along a northerly route to Maine instead. I found two along the correct trajectory which I am going to check out. One in NYS called Davidson Brothers and the other in VT called Long Trail Brewing. I am very excited.
I was letting the "fear" monster get the best of me regarding Diary of a Plate Addict. (By the way - if wouldn't be taken amiss if anyone wanted to "like" the Diary of a Plate Addict page on Facebook...) I just need to bull forward and get the thing done. It is, though, looking like it won't be until September that I will get the book printed and released. Sigh. Over the next week I hope to finish my go through of the book for edits. Get the bar code. And do some more plate pictures for Heather. All doable.
My thoughts on a beer game for the iPhone and iPad are progressing. Jeff, if you read this, I am going to need your expertise. I hope you will work for food. :) Also, what the heck is google+ - some sort of attempt by google to compete with Facebook? I signed up, but don't know what I am supposed to be doing with it...
Ernst and Betty are supposed to be arriving today. We shall see. Their room is prepared for their appearance, lest it occur.
Huh. When I woke up this morning, I didn't think that I would find 200 words in me. Silly bear.
Pictures from July 23, 2011:
Voila - the clean stove top thanks to mom!
Pretty sky!
The main drop for Into the Woods.
Catching up on your blog a day late, but yes, I'm reading it. Let me know what sort of help you need. And yes, Google+ is Google's answer to Facebook. I +1'd your blog so you can see it in action. You can link to your blog from there as well.
Thank you Jeff! I am a long way from needing your help - but am happy that it will be available! And thank you for +1ing my blog post! Woo hoo! I am now posting my blog on google+ as well as Facebook and Twitter! Woohoo technology! :)
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