A couple of things I had been putting off got done. Finally. Well, finally is a strong word - but at least they got done for the time being. And mom helped! The one she helped with was the container cabinet in the kitchen. It always accumulates stuff and I just threw most of it away. Mom emptied the contents of the cabinet onto a counter. (Oooh, alliteration!) Then she apologized for doing it. Weird. Anyway, I then sorted the stuff into keep and toss - putting the "to be tossed" stuff onto a folding table in the middle of the kitchen - not having enough counter space for it all. Mom looked through it but rescued nothing! Good on her! :) She also washed the containers that needed washing - which was most of them. All clean, all put back, all done. And now we have more counter space as well. Yippee!
Another bit that was accomplished was the study alcove - the boxes that I accumulated there had to go - I did it in about 5 stages. All of the flattened boxes, which was most of them, are on the front porch awaiting recycling. The alcove is almost totally empty of boxes. Next step? Move all of the boxes that I have sorted into the space. Then start moving the other boxes and papers in there - leaving nothing in the living room and dining room and front hall. That is the dream. After that, start pulling boxes or piles or whatever out, a little at a time and whittle away at it till it is gone, gone, gone! Hahahahahahahaha! (Diabolical and slightly demented laughter)
And if that wasn't enough, the rug guys came and fixed the ridges in the rug. They cut and tugged and tapped until there was nary a wrinkle! Mom's trudging is now protected once again! Sadly, I broke a toe nail trying to help move a sofa. Poop! Luckily it didn't hurt at all. Yippee!
Dinner was yummy last night! Store bought roasted chicken, steamed green beans and homemade onion rings that turned out really, really well! I will have to do that again. It was a lot of work, but well worth it!
Every month or so I get girl crazy. Well, girl crazier. I mailed the crush the email I oughtn't to have mailed. Heaven knows that she will not respond. And maybe I will even get 86'd from the Raleigh Saucer. Though honestly, I didn't put anything lewd or lascivious in the note. Whatever. Done is done! And I spent the whole day twisting my head around to glimpse potentially pretty women. Sigh. If I were in a relationship, perhaps my girl craziness wouldn't be as intense. Double sigh.
Photos from July 8, 2011:
My new computer lapdesk and my garnet bed sitting pillow thingie. Yippee!
The emptied alcove!
My toe's owie.
Onion rings! The seasoned bread crumbs helped to make them delicious!
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