Thursday, July 14, 2011

Funny Opera - Yay!

The big news yesterday was going to the opera. Isn't that exciting? Yippee! Opera! Actually, this one was pretty entertaining. It was a comic opera. I wouldn't mind seeing more of those. Natalie Dessay sang the lead in La Fille du Regiment. Very entertaining all way round.

After the opera, Mom and I went to an UNO for dinner. The food was good - not great. We had avocado eggrolls (they are better at Cheesecake Factory) and a deep dish pizza. More leftovers!

Other than that, I can't think of anything too exciting that happened. I mailed a package, met someone from POF - nice woman who I hope to see again one day - Oh, that's right, I went to a new-to-me place. OPUS - it is a wine and coffee shop. They serve some food. Very trendy. I will be surprised if it lasts for long here in Geneva. We had smoothies. It is hard to get a smoothie wrong - fear not, they didn't.

I also asked at Hobart and William Smith about taking classes. There are, of course, hoops to jump through. I think I will take a stroll down to FLCC today and see what they offer and how much, etc. Baby steps.

Another thing I forgot. Goodness, maybe Alzheimer's really is catching! I was sort of explaining "the cloud" in technology to mom in a restaurant the other day. A woman walked by and said that she had overheard and was impressed with my explanation. She expressed the desire to have someone help her with some computer issues. I volunteered my services and gave her my card thinking that I would never hear from her. Yet, she did call. And I went over yesterday and spent an hour an a half helping her with little computer things. It was fun and I think she felt helped. Yay!

Because the Turkish Women flaked on me, I was going to go ahead and have an adventure today anyway. My first thought was to go beering by myself. Then I thought of the racetrack with mom. This morning when I first woke, I decided that it would be best if I stayed around here - ate leftovers, cleaned out the car, packed etc. Yippee for being "responsible."

Photos from July 13, 2011:

Mom's fan and the cleared out area. I was sorting one of the boxes last night and had a violent allergic reaction. No wonder mom's nose drips! Her room needs a major cleaning. One day...

The electronic chalkboard at Opus - coolness!

The fruit of a lot of stealth sorting! Bye bye! Happy recycling!! :)

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