Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Fireworks

Mom says that my father would also drive out of his way to see Fireworks. What is it about them that fascinates me? If I were younger, I might think about a career in fireworks. They are so cool! Though I never really gave a thought to firecrackers and little backyard fireworks. I like the big ones. The majestic ones. What I would like to do is to be the designer for the show - the choreographer or whatever it is called in their specialized lingo which I am sure they have. Last night's at Canandaigua Lake were pretty good. Well choreographed. I was a little far away for my druthers, but close enough to enjoy them thoroughly. Yay fireworks!

Not a lot happened yesterday. I did make the easy Alfredo sauce again. It was yummy! Not sure what I am cooking for dinner tonight. I do need to go food shopping in any case. I didn't go out yesterday except to go to the fireworks.

Oh, I don't know if I mentioned, but Carl the mower came over the day before yesterday and the three of us walked around the property and asked him what he could do for $200. We shall see what happens. I like to hope that he will wow us. Anything is possible.

Heather came through and the newest draft of Diary of a Plate Addict is in my dropbox! Huzzah! I am going to print it out later today. And give it to the four people who said they were interested in proofreading it. And send a hard copy to James (my high school roommate). The Saucer people have had their chance and they didn't provide any feedback. Very sad.

And I started work on the brewpub book. Well, I don't know if 200 words and a few notes really counts as starting. Then again, it is a start. :)

Lots to do today! Errands galore! Lots of phone calling for which I have to wait until 9 am I guess. A person's home - after 10 in the morning and not after 10 at night, unless you know the person to be a night owl...

Ok, here they are - pictures from July 4, 2011:

Beautiful Canandaigua Lake!

My provisions - originally wine was included, but alcohol was prohibited at the park.

One of my neighbors kindly took this shot of me.

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