Friday, July 22, 2011

It happened again

I got a wee depressed. I think it happens to most people sometimes. Some people most times. What triggered it last night was a note from the Saucer HQ saying that I needed to get permission from lots of people to use their pictures for the book. I am sure that to CMA I would be best protected to do that. But that is over 400 permissions and from a lot of people that I don't know that I could find again. If I lived in Raleigh still, it might be possible to get half of them accomplished pretty easily. But I don't live there. Grr and sigh. I came up with all sorts of plans to work this out - but none of them seems feasible. They rely too much on others and that rarely works, at least in my experience. There aren't a lot of reliable people out there. Well, I find I can rely on them to not be reliable, but that isn't all that helpful...Sam, my nephew, suggests I just go ahead and print the thing and see what happens. I am leaning in that direction myself.

Gardens of Time is almost over for me - all I want to do is upgrade all of my Wonders as far as they will go, neaten up my garden a bit and then probably not play except once a week or so to see if they have added anything new. Yippee!

It seems like it is Family month. Saw my brother last weekend. My other brother and my sister-in-law are probably coming on Sunday and then on Monday we head out to Maine to see my sister! Wow, all of them in one month! How lucky am I?

Met with the opera director yesterday. Goodness he is full of energy. At 60 (ish) he has more energy than I had when I was 2. Wow. Looks like I will be a stage hand for the show. That will be fun. It is only two performances and three or four days in the theatre. Easily doable.

Ran into the Turkish women again - they were heading downtown as I was heading home. Gulsun was posing in front of a cool older car!

Photos from July 21, 2011:

Hot and Hazy Seneca Lake!

McDaniel's House - a college residence for visiting people - where I met with the Opera director - Al Bergeret.

Gulsun posing with the car. My camera did not do an excellent job with this subject matter...probably operator error. :)


Dana said...

Hey Augustus,

How are you? It has been too long. Were are you living and what is your book about?


Augustus said...

Hi Dana! It has been too long! I am living in Geneva, NY. Diary of a Plate Addict is about earning rewards at a Beer Place in the Southwest and South.

What's new with you?


Sam said...

Yep your fb commentator has this right. the saucer has to give you a strict interpretation of the law so that their ass is covered, but that doesnt make what they say the truth of the law. They're not going to tell you "it's fine!" because what if someone sues you? but no one is going to sue you. What would be bad news would be a letter from the saucer saying THEY were going to sue you. but they wouldn't do that because that would create bad publicity.

Augustus said...

Thank you Sam! :) I was, sadly, letting fear get me! Moving on!!