Having mom along, we got to park in handicap parking. A very short walk to the gate. And then the ticket lines were weird - there were 6 windows open, and almost everyone was in line at one window. Weird. So I waltzed up (figuratively) and got our Buy one-get one at half price tickets. Huzzah!
The most difficult part of this location is that it is on the side of hill. So one enters at the top of the hill, and everything is downhill from there. Which means that coming back is all uphill. Sigh. We watched four shows throughout the day. The Rat Show - lots of bad puns but fun - the mud show - a re-telling of Perseus with mud, the washer women show where the front rows got a little damp, and the joust which was fun. We lunched in the indoor space, which was a good thing. I can imagine it gets brutal out there!
Mom did not put her best foot forward - though she did a good job getting around. Note to self, Ren Faires are probably not the best type of events for her. Still, we survived the experience which is always a good thing. I am going to put up most of the pictures on Facebook - though of course I will put a couple here.
When we got home, mom offered to take us out to dinner! Huzzah again! I looked up restaurants in Geneva and was surprised to see a couple that I didn't know about. One had closed - boo - but one was still open - and serving on Sunday - The Torrey Park Grill. Good food, nice staff, not too terribly expensive for large portions of food. Yay!
During the day, I also managed to talk with the opera director - he also isn't clear what he needs yet - so we will meet eventually and figure it out. Not too worried about it. I gave my card to a woman at the restaurant and offered my help with her computer woes. I doubt she will call, but one never knows. And it is day three (or four) and my crush hasn't written. Still not surprised. :)
All righty then. Time for pictures! Huzzah! (By the way, that is Ren Faire lingo for Hooray or Hurrah)
Pictures from July 10, 2011:
The entrance to the Sterling Renaissance Festival.
Our washer women. I think that would be a good gig to have on a hot day! They get to wallow in water and splash people!
Mom so loves to get her picture taken...the food was good!
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