Mom is having all sorts of pains and stuff to complain about. And it is fairly constant. Her current worry is that because her ribs ache, she might have breast cancer. Luckily, mom is not a full blown, over-the-top hypochondriac. Just a low level carper. And sometimes it is valid. Sorting the wheat from the chaff is a challenge though.
I went shopping by myself, which is always nice. Sadly, I went to Wal-Mart. Poop. Oh well, at least it is inexpensive! My trip was to find glasses that I could take in my picnic basket. For the fireworks on Monday I am planning on taking a little picnic. Wine, cheese, Triscuits and grapes. I needed some pretty glasses that would travel well. I found four on clearance - pictures eventually. I got everything, except the wine, at Wal-Mart. Wine is sold in liquor stores here in NYS. (I was a tad overwhelmed with all of the wine choices - I always am...)
Does everyone live in something of a fantasy land? I mean, philosophically, and perhaps scientifically, what we experience isn't real. Sure, it is real for us (and that is enough) but is it really objective reality? Anyway, that is a slight digression. What I was thinking was that I live in a bit of a fantasy land. Fantasies about selling lots of copies of Diary of a Plate Addict, getting Bar Dreams on Oprah - oh, wait, Oprah isn't Oprah any more - how about on QVC? - relationships (finding a life partner), Sirius Theatre, etc. My latest one is this: having the Turkish women come live here in Geneva for their last six weeks. They mentioned the other day that their rent was expensive and that they were looking for someplace else to live. A little income for us, some mental stimulation for mom...doubtful, but anything is possible. Mom meets them tonight. Fingers crossed...
I made eggrolls last night for dinner. Froze a few. I think we now have twenty or so in the freezer. Yippee? Today is coleslaw day! Mom likes coleslaw. A lot. Moving on...after dinner we went to Canandaigua for the Rochester Philharmonic's Red, White and Boom. We got there and parked fairly easily (but we had to pay for parking - I hate to pay for parking...). Walking up to the lawn seating was a bit of a challenge, but we made it without too much difficulty. Got a good space for the chair and blanket. The first half was lackluster. Nothing too thrilling. The second half was much better. Bernstein (Overture to West Side Story), Gershwin (Rhapsody in Blue), Tchaikovsky (1812 Overture (Boom)) and Sousa (Stars and Stripes Forever). All performed decently!
The fireworks were ok at best. Unfortunately, the venue turned on all their lights as soon as the concert was over, making the viewing a bit poor. Then the show just wasn't spectacular. Not very long and not very well choreographed. They had an orchestra for goodness sakes, couldn't they do something to music? Or at least pace what they had better? Oh well. I am still glad to have seen them. And there are two more Fireworks shows to go. One tonight at the American Legion here in Geneva. And tomorrow night back in Canandaigua! Yippee!
Are my posts getting longer or am I hallucinating that?
Pictures from July 2, 2011:
I am always impressed by how much spinach cooks down with a little sauteing.
Mom lounging, waiting for me to return.
The CMAC - not really sure what all the letters stand for...
Does everyone live in something of a fantasy land?
This has been another installment of short answers to simple questions.
Thank you Sam! That was my feeling as well! :)
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