Yesterday was the traditional celebration at the American Legion. At one point the guy hawking raffle tickets (I never did hear them draw for the grill) mentioned that they had been doing it for 65 years! I hope they break even!! It was not the most exciting time on the planet, but it was certainly enjoyable. And great fireworks! The food was ok - mom and I had sausages and Hilal, Gulsun and Ozge had pizza. That looked really sad. Cold and icky. :( Oh well. Later I had a hamburger which was ok. The sausages were decent. I also had some Molson's - how un-American of them to be serving Molson's on the 4th of July! The midway was teeny - four rides, maybe five games and a couple of food concessions. The Turkish women rode a couple of rides and spent some time with friends from their work. I hope they enjoyed themselves. I know I did. The fireworks display made the whole event worthwhile to me! I think mom enjoyed herself as well. Yippee!
Other than that, I did make coleslaw yesterday. Turned out pretty well. I would like to add some dijon mustard to the mix - but have trepidations about it as well. Maybe I will add some to a portion of it and see how it tastes. Or maybe some horseradish...Oh, I also neatened the lazy-susan under one of the counters and threw away a couple of pans that had seen better days.
Mom put the kibosh on having the Turkish women come live here. She felt invaded when I mentioned hiring them to help me around the house a little bit. So them living here would be anathema, I am sure. Oh well.
I am starting to think that writing the brewpub book would be a good idea. Similar in shape and style to Diary of a Plate Addict is my initial thought. We shall see.
Today is the actual Fourth. I am planning on going to see more fireworks tonight. I don't know if anyone is coming with me, but I am not attached to anyone else's presence. Though a girlfriend would be nice, if one were to magically drop from the sky!
Pictures from July 3, 2011:
The lazy-susan had been bugging me for a while - now it is all neat and happy. Yippee!
Mom in her throne!
Gulsun, Ozge and Hilal using my iPhone while waiting for the fireworks to begin.
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