Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wow! Was that Tuesday?

Where the heck did it go? I blinked and it was gone. Now it is Wednesday. And part of me thought it was Thursday. Weird. Huzzuh! (Palindromic form of Huzzah).

Tuesday, oh, Tuesday, wherefore art thou, Tuesday?! (Wherefore, for those who don't know, mean "why" in this sentence...)

So, what the heck did I do on Tuesday? Oh, right, I fixed the problem that has been plaguing me for a long time in Flippety. After a bunch of searching on and a long comment session with a poster named rdelmar, I typed in (or cut and pasted) some code that seems to have done the trick. I cannot say how excited this has me feeling. On the inside at least. I know there is always more to do - sounds to tweak, graphics to edit, but part of me just wants to try posting it and seeing what happens. I mean, Apple could just reject it. I can't see why, except for some Human Interface Guidelines issues. But there is nothing offensive in the game - no Apple images or copyrighted material. And it seems to work just dandily. At least on my 3G running iOS5.0. I don't have the mental energy to try and test it on all the various devices out there. (Ok, while putting off working on my blog, I redid all of the sounds and edited the one graphic that was egregiously erred.)

And that was the extent of my Tuesday. How was your Tuesday? Yup, no epiphanies, no great adventures. Oh, I did go to the grocery store and made some beef tips for dinner that turned out pretty well.

That actually looks pretty appetizing for a change! Yay!

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