Friday, August 3, 2012

Lots of sleep!

Yay! I had a great amount of sleep last night. Yippee, even! I guess I needed it. And tomorrow, laundry! Though it is Saturday and I may just wait until Monday to do laundry...

Yesterday was another Opera day. And not an intense one. It was our second full dress rehearsal. For those who don't know, rehearsals come in lots of different shapes and sizes and types. The ones that are closest to performance conditions are called "dress rehearsals," a phrase you may have heard used in other contexts, like "Life is not a dress rehearsal." This was our second dress, because we have two casts (though two dress rehearsals isn't really a bad thing in any case...). We never had a tech/dress or a purely technical (cue to cue) rehearsal, which is fine because we really don't have that much tech to do. Yay!

One of the things that happens to me (and to others I believe) during the run of a show, is that the show gets into my subconscious. I keep hearing the music and words going through my head. In straight shows (no music), people will often get snippets of dialogue wedged firmly in their minds. Makes no sense to people who haven't done much theatre, but it is fun and disconcerting at the same time.

Dinner was pizza from Pizza Hut - they have a $10 pizza deal currently. We don't eat a lot of fast food - but I didn't think I would have time to cook yesterday. Turns out I did, but I didn't want to rethink my plan. Less thought sometimes equals a happier Augustus. The pizza was ok, not great - and I think there is something in there to which I am allergic. Well, poop. There is lots of left over pizza - mom only ended up eating one piece (I had two).

Oh, darn, I forgot. I finally finished all of "Stargate" by finishing Stargate Universe, which I was enjoying, despite Eli's whining. I don't know what I am going to watch on Netflix next - there are so many options. Meanwhile, I am going to do a little catching up on Hulu - Glee, Eureka and Warehouse 13.

I showed a couple of iPhone users my game Flippety and they seemed to enjoy it. Yay! I still have more work that I need to do on it. Hopefully I will get some done later today and on Monday!

This lovely pick-up truck decoration was pointed out to me

Our pizza from Jabba the Hut

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