Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tuesday - Monday Continued apparently

My goal for the day was to get my car inspected and to get my driver's license changed over from NC to NY. Seems simple enough, right? Well, it sort of was. I drove down to Dave's Garage and left the car. They said they would get right to it. They were not only going to do the inspection, but they were also going to put the license plate on the front of the car. I figured I would be able to do my other errands easily in that hour.

The problem, the Social Security Office. I must have waited there for most of an hour. For what? A two minute session with a clerk. She didn't need a birth certificate (phew), my passport was sufficient. But I don't get the new card for 2 to 3 weeks! Eeek! Whatever. I will just wait patiently by the mailbox for its appearance. I chatted with a young woman whose husband is thinking of getting into iPhone development. Go him! I doubt I will ever hear from him, but one never knows, does one.

As I headed out, I decided to give Dave's a call and check on the progress of the car. All done! So I went and got the car, and chatted with Dave for ten minutes. Next and final stop of the morning, The Smith to drop off the keys and my time sheets. Yes, I had to "punch a clock" for the work I did on the show. I hate punching a clock. Just pay me what you think the job is worth, darn it. Is that too much to ask? I don't think so.

Back home, it was lunch time. Yay lunch time! Yay food. Yay! Post lunch, I went and did laundry, sans mom. I washed all the sheets that were on beds - mom's bed, guest room bed, red room bed and my bed. Later, throughout the evening, I made beds. Three - the red room remains unmade. And I made dinner - pork with left over veggies mixed with fresh spinach, and a corn on the cob. Turned out yummily.

So that's it. A boring blog post. Yay. Oh, I started looking in to how to ad iAds to Flippety. There's excitement for you...

Oh, I posted something about this yesterday - one of the female gymnasts used Pink Floyd for her music for floor exercises. I think it was parts of Shine on you Crazy Diamond.

Dave's Garage

Look, Laundry

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