Sunday, August 5, 2012

Opera Night Two - Check

Two shows down, a matinee, load-out (well, strike at least) and then a cast party left to go. Not just the cast get to party, but the crew, too! And sundry other people that Gena (the producer) invites, because, well, she wants to invite them, I guess. Enough about today already, let's get into yesterday!

Well, it was much like the day before, except I tried to cook in time to get mom and me to the theatre at 6. Which actually happened. I was a few minutes early even. Still, there were people waiting to be let in. What is that about? I like to be early, but come on, people! Get a life!

For dinner, I cooked mom some salmon and I had a sausage. We both had broccoli with left over veggies mixed in. And a corn cob (with corn still attached - I mean, just the cob would be pretty weird and not easy on the teeth). Mom took it all in stride and didn't kvetch too much as I hustled her out the door.

Oh, mom and I had a minor melt down the other day at lunch. In the aftermath I am trying to adjust my behavior. I have to keep reminding myself that she isn't acting out of spite or malice, but it is just that her brain isn't working as it once did. The fact that she asks me the same question four times in the span of a minute is not because she is not listening, it is because she is not processing the facts that she has asked the question before and that it has been answered before. I do sometimes wish that we could get inside other people's heads for a bit - just to experience the world someone else experiences would be, in my opinion, amazingly enlightening.

What else happened recently than I can put up here? Oh, I did start on OKCupid. Much better site than Plenty of Fish. Or at least I like the way it is designed better than I liked POF. Not that I have had a truckload of people sending me messages saying that they are dying to have me in their lives. Still, it is something new to try.

The show went smoothly - except for one of the cast's issues - over which I had limited (if any) control. I mopped the entire stage (during which mom asked me at least 7 times if I mopped the stage every night - sigh). Oh, and to answer the question yet again - I do like to have the stage mopped before every performance. Not anal about it, but I feel happier for the actors' tootsies that way. Mom enjoyed the show overall, which is a good thing.

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