Friday, August 17, 2012

With a Daffy Duck Lisp

With a Daffy Duck lisp, many more things become alliterative with Thursday. Like Thuffering Thucatash! No, we didn't have succotash. We did have more corn. And some broccoli, which turned out just as I like it. Great consistency, nicely seasoned. I love it when I luck out with cooking. And I fried us each an eggroll from the freezer. Down to the last two, so I need to start thinking about make more again. Yay. Wow, how did I get to dinner without even going through the excitement of the day? Oh, right, lisping...

Well, the day started really early for me yesterday. It was court day. I wasn't particularly nervous. The officer (Hall) had said that they were fix-it tickets and would, most likely, be dismissed if I took care of registering the car and getting it inspected. Both of which I had accomplished. I got to the courthouse at just about 8 when the building opened. I didn't know how the whole thing worked and I like to be early in any case. Would there be hundreds of people or only a dozen? Would they do cases on a first come first served basis or on some other methodology? How intimidating would the whole thing be?

Since I was there so early, I got to sit and wait till they opened the doors to the courtroom (yes, Geneva only has one courtroom). While waiting, I made some new friends and also saw an old friend: Joe from Joe's Hots (a local hot dog eatery). He was there to see how a friend's hearing went in regards to a skateboarding incident. Joe is a huge advocate of skateboarding - trying to get a skate park built in Geneva for one thing. He is a very "hail, well met" sort of guy. And since the both of us are chatty, we get along pretty well.

Finally, the doors opened, and I sat in the back. I like to sit in the back sometimes. In the front sometimes. In the middle sometimes. Different places for different types of events and for my different moods. In front for educational things, in the middle for entertainment things and in the back for things when I feel I need to be able to observe the whole picture.

The DA went through a list of all the people who were supposed to be in court - some didn't seem to be there - alphabetically. He got to my name and stumbled a bit on the last name. Oh well - that happens quite a bit. I got up, he asked me if I had taken care of the issues, I said I had, he said he would ask the judge to dismiss the tickets and I went and sat down again.

It was very theatrical. I could live in a courtroom - as long as I wasn't the one being sued or tried or whatever. Fun stuff. I got my turn, the judge said, what was the formula she used - in order to serve justice - or something like that, dismissed the tickets! Woo hoo!

While I was downtown and only a block away from the farmer's market, I decided to buy a couple vegetables for that night's dinner. Ended up with hands full, I forgot one of my shopping bags - and turned down offers of other bags - too many bags in the world already - with four ears of corn, two heads of broccoli and a small container of four onions. Yay! Now I need to do stuff with onions, which usually isn't a problem for me.

I played one of my various roles today - the curmudgeonly Gus the Handyman. As I mentioned, I thought that perhaps the bats have been getting out of the belfry into the house, through a hole in the ceiling of the red room. Well, I found two acoustic tiles in a closet, and put them up over the whole. Go me! I hope they stay up and I hope that no more bats swoop into our lives! That would be nifty.

After dinner, I did have my rockin' Thursday night on the town. I headed to Leaf Kitchen to partake of one of my favorite beers - Great Divide's Yeti Imperial Stout! Yay! Chatted with nice people, drank yummy beer. A good time was had by many. I did not, quelle suprise, meet the woman of my dreams. Life is like that sometimes. 

And that was the excitement of the day. Most of the rest was the same fun stuff. I finished doing the graphics changes for Flippety. There is now nothing in there that is copyrighted that I can recall. Yay. I have two programming issues, which I don't know how to fix. If I can figure out one thing, I can fix all of the problems I think. It is a memory issue - how to dismiss from memory windows that are not being viewed. Doesn't sound that difficult, but so far, I haven't found an answer. That is today's mission. I plan to post another plea for help and hope I don't get answers that require rewriting the entire application, which is not in the cards at this point. I really want to try and post something to the Apple Store by September 1st.

The Courthouse - no cell phones or recording devices allowed!

My farmers market still life

The hole

The whole hole repaired


Unknown said...

... scene rehearsal from Romeo & Juliet, Darla says, "I quit, Onions!" Yes, as much as I love onions in salsa & onion soup that's about my extend eating onions. The still of veggies was great though.

Glad you fixed the gaping hole. Sorry your still dealing w/a bat though...

Great luck on the ticket!! I got hit w/2 speeding (same weekend) and am fighting them. My license will suffer greatly. Wait, my insurance will suffer greatest...!!!

Have a happy sunday.

I just had to read this one. Daffy is my favorite.

PS: Oh, proving I am not a robot is so difficult here!

Augustus said...

I am a Bugs fan, though I also like Tweetie a lot!