Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Woolly Wednesday

It isn't cold or anything. I sometimes don't have a title leap to mind right away, so an old standby option is to come up with something that is at least alliterative.

Since I don't really have a lot of adventures or fun stuff to write about, I think I will write about blogging. And the dearth of comments going on. I mean, come on, comment people! Show me you are alive! Comment on all of my posts. Every single one! And tell all your friends about my basically boring blogs. So that they too can read them and fall asleep. It is way cheaper than a sleeping pill addiction. And they mostly probably won't do it while driving. While we are at it, tell your friends to "follow" the blog. I have been feeling abandoned ever since one person un-followed me. I don't know who it was or why they did it - but it makes me cry myself to sleep at night sometimes. (Ok, no, it really doesn't). (I didn't write this next part - just ignore it and pretend it never happened - the ad police are everywhere...) And, if I had ads on here, clicking on them would be a good thing. But I don't have ads on here, do I? See, I am nice and keeping this particular site ad free. Go me! If I ever get around to posting in the political blog, that site is going to be commercial! Heck yeah! I can already here the pennies clinking together in my wallet! Yea, baby! And I think for my beer blog, I am going to add targeted ads. At least it is worth a try. I made $.06 in July and I hope to double that in August!

Moving on - yesterday was a pretty quiet day. I spent most of it writing blogs and working on Flippety. I added and changed about 30 graphics, which is a start. I still have quite a few more to go. I still am way behind on my brewpub blog. There are seven posts that I have started and not finished. And there are a bunch more that I haven't even started. And I thought a bit about my first political blog to publish. I am leaning towards writing about mandatory national service. Heck, I would do national service now if circumstances permitted.

I did make a pasta glop for dinner that turned out pretty well.

We also watched a movie. Has anyone else seen Girl with a Pearl Earring? I was seriously underwhelmed. Scarlett was pretty to look at, but that was about it. Well, that and the glimpse of 1600s living. Other than that - ho hum, yawn. Rent it only if you like watching paint dry. Just my opinion...

Pasta glop and spinach! Colorful, n'est-ce pas?


Unknown said...

.Spinach..... yummmmmm!

Jules said...

Ok yay! Here I am! I think I figured how to subscribe and post comments to your watching paint dry! You know it is part of my nighly work ritual! When I am off for a few days I get to enjoy multi-Augustus blog time!

Augustus said...

I agree, Pink Shadow!

Augustus said...

Yay Jules! Thank you!