Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mom Monday

Much of my day was spent, figuratively, petting my mom. She woke from an intense dream and it took her about two hours to believe that it had been only a dream. Not fun. It reminded me of the time when she was on the higher dose of Aricept. Boy, that was a miserable month. I did get a little worried about her, because when she gets agitated she gets more tottery on her pins than she is at other times. I am toying with the idea of putting a gate at the top of the stairs - thoughts?

Other than that, I submitted Flippety to the app store. Now I just have to keep busy while I wait for the reviewer's comments. The only thing that I think might cause me trouble is that I didn't have the iAd animate on. If they insist on that, it ought to be part of the code they provide. Then again, there could be some HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) that I messed up. Or there could be any number of things...Just trying to not think about it as there is nothing I can do about anything until they tell me if I need to fix something. Not that I am thinking about it at all.

I didn't do much of anything yesterday. I did start a game on the xBox. Yippee! I don't think I have done more than turn it on once or twice (didn't even play anything) since coming back from the long trip with mom. Which also means that I haven't done much stealth sorting. I have been doing a little bit here and there and did some yesterday. Every little bit sorted is a victory in my book. The more I can recycle, the happier I am. More stuff out of the house, yay!

Mom and I watched The Man who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain on Netflix last night. It was pretty straight forward. Mom enjoyed it I think. An earlyish Hugh Grant effort. Definitely ok.

And Wegman's welcomed me with open arms! I didn't buy much - just some stuff for hot and sour soup I was making for dinner. It didn't turn out very hot or very sour and had way too much stuff in it - not nearly enough soup. Sigh. For dinner I also made mom some corn on the cob - I am happy that it brings her such pleasure - and a bit of rice glop to finish up two leftovers - some beef tips and some rice I had lying around. Yay for finishing leftovers!

All in all, a pleasant day was had! Yippee!

Another tasty dinner


Unknown said...

I must say, A, the dinner photo isn't your best... lol ... that said, good luck w/flippery. How exciting!

Well it's late... I look forward to your next post(s)...!!!


Augustus said...

I agree! Thank you Camille, I do hope Flippety gets accepted...